le 21 mai 1900
J.G. Couture, notaire (Joseph Gonzague)
no. 10068
Bélanger, Jean (notaire) (1783-1827)
Bezeau, François
Comettant, Lucien Oscar
Couture J.G. (notaire)
Duchesneau, Jacques
Dunn, Thomas
Gibsone, Georges Farrar (attorney)
Langin, Patrick
Malouin, Alfred
Martin, Georges (33 rue de Naples, Paris, France)
Menier Henri
Plourde, Xavier
Pope, Edward
Pope, Percy
Stewart, James (dame et veuve de Peter Stewart)
Devant le notaire J.G. Couture
At the request of J.F. Gibsone, representing Henri Menier of sale in favor of the latter, by Mrs. Edward Pope es-quality and others.
Came and appeared G. Farrar Gibsone, de Québec, agent and attorney of Henri Menier, France, who brought to me, the said notary, three certain instruments in writing for agreement and sale that is to say:
(1) the deed of sale by Dme Anne, widow of the late Edward Pope, Alfred Malouin, acting in the quality of tutrist and subrogate tutor, respectively to Percy Pope, in favor of the said Henri Menier, there in represented by his agent, Lucien Oscar Comettant, executed in the presence of the witnesses at South West Point of Anticosti, in the 14th may instant, and to which is annexed an affidavid of the Georges Farrar Gibsone, one of the witnesses of the execution of the said document.
(2) a deed of sale by Xavier Plourde, to the place called l'Anse-aux-Fraises of Anticosti, in favor of the said Henri Menier, represented by Georges Martin, his attorney, executed in the presence of the witnesses in the 18th may, instant and to which is also annexed an affidavid by the said Gibsone, a witness of this execution.
(3) a deed of sale by François Bezeau of said Anse-aux-Fraises, in favor of Henri Menier, represented by Georges Martin, his attorney, executed in the presence of witnesses on the 18th may instant and to which also is allexed an affidavid by the said Gibsone and the said Gibsone having a certified to me the validity of the said instrument in writing requested me the said notary to deposit the same amount my original minutes, for the preservation thereof in order that copy thereof may be granted when required. The deposit thereof is therby accordingly made the said agrements being hereto annexed marked A.B.C. and respectively signed by the said appearers and by me the said notary for identification.
L'annexe A: deed of sale made at South-West Pouint of Anticosti, 14 may 1800 between Dme Ann Julian widow of the late Edward Pope in his lifetime of South West Point, aforeside light house, keeper in her quality... The party of the first part par these presents sell and convey with all legal warranties into the party of the second part, accepting thereof all rights titles and interest for the said minor Percy Pope, to...
une terre située dans l'île d'Anticosti à Grande-Baie de l'ouest, contenant deux arpents de large sur le golfe St-Laurent et 36 arpents de profondeur sur une ligne courant...
tel que le tout est figuré au plan de la dite baie de l'ouest demeuré annexé à l'acte de concession de la dite terre consentie par l'honorable Thomas Dunn, Patrick Langin et dame James Stewart veuve de Peter Stewart, tous seigneurs et propriétaires du fief et seigneurie de l'île d'Anticosti, à Jacques Duchesneau et passé devant J. Bélanger (1783 - 1827), le 29 octobre 1808, avec droit de chasse et pêche sur la dite terre et sur toute la dite seigneurie, excepté dans les lieux qui seront concédés.
the present sale is made in consideration of the sum of 250 dollars which sum, the body of the first part do acknowledge to have received from the party of the second part...
signé par les parties en cause dont L.O. Comettant
L'annexe C: la vente de François Bezeau de l'Anse aux Fraises, pêcheur, et représenté par M. Georges martin, 33 rue de Naples, Paris, France, partie de seconde part, une maison partiellement construite à la dite anse et défrichement de 4 arpents de terre environ, pour la somme de 125 dollars payé comptant...
Annexe B: entre Xavier Plourde Anse aux Fraises, pêcheur, par son procureur Georges Martin, une maison, dépendance, construite et ainsi que le défrichement que 2 1/2 arpents de terre pour la somme de 402 piastres 83 cents payé comptant.